Building Relationships and Partnerships to Support Student Achievement

Parent Educator Newsletter

Southern View needs YOU! We need your voice, energy and time! Our F.A.C.E. team meets monthly to share plans and ideas to enhance the educational experience for the students, parents, school and community. Members of the F.A.C.E teams are one of the driving forces to set a positive learning environment for successful student achievement.

Our mission as a Family & Community Engagement (F.A.C.E.) team at Southern View Elementary School is to promote and encourage communication between students, parents, school and the community. You voice at the table is important to us.

F.A.C.E. Team meetings are held on the 4th Tuesday of each month from 6pm - 7pm. Meetings are held at the school, enter through gym doors. All family and community members are invited and encouraged to attend!

We look forward to seeing you face to F.A.C.E.!

F.A.C.E. Mission

Building Relationships and Partnerships to Support Student Achievement.

F.A.C.E. Defined:

"Springfield Public School District defines Family and Community Engagement as school, family & community partnerships built on trust and meaningful communication that creates strong academic support systems for all students." 

F.A.C.E. Principles

Deepen FACE Teams
Enhance Communication
Build a Welcoming Environment
Empower Parents in Decision Making 

Interested in Volunteering at Southern View?

Step 1: Complete Volunteer Form (click here)

Step 2: Complete a background check

Step 3: Contact our Parent Educator, Mrs. Chania Mickiel, to turn in forms.

Questions? Reach out to Mrs. Chania Mickiel for help at cmickiel@sps186.org or call the school office at 217-585-5837.